Saturday, December 26, 2020
Non-Cannon ~ Episode 56 - The Forbidden Dance (1990)
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Episode 87 - Lambada (1990)
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Episode 86 - The Adventures of Hercules (1985)
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Episode 85 - Rockula (1990)
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Non-Cannon ~ Episode 55 - Lone Wolf McQuade (1983)
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Episode 84 - Hercules (1983)
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Episode 83 - River of Death (1989)
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Episode 82 - Crack House (1989)
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Non-Cannon ~ Episode 54 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987)
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Halloween GAIDEN Special #6 - Maniac Cop 2 (1990)
Friday, October 30, 2020
Halloween GAIDEN Special #5 - Maniac Cop (1988)
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Halloween GAIDEN Special #4 - Dead Heat (1988)
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Halloween GAIDEN Special #3 - House II: The Second Story (1987)
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Halloween GAIDEN Special #2 - House (1986)
Monday, October 26, 2020
Halloween GAIDEN Special #1 - Night of the Demons (1988)
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Episode 81 - Kickboxer (1989)
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Episode 80 - Outlaw of Gor (1989)
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Episode 79 - Cyborg (1989)
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Non-Cannon ~ Episode 53 - Streets of Fire (1984)
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Episode 78 - American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt (1989)
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Episode 77 - Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects (1989)
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Episode 76 - Gor (1987)
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Non-Cannon ~ Episode 52 - Commando (1985)
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Special: "The Cannon Film Guide, Volume 1: 1980-1984" Review!
Surprise! This week I wanted to do something special as we are still between seasons and recording new material. The wheels are rolling again! So I decided to record a review I made on my other blog for a project that will excite anyone who listens to Cannon Cruisers. You can find the original post I read from here. This side episode is all about The Cannon Film Guide, and then some!
Suffice to say, it's a bit long. Sorry if you like it brief!
It's a bit rambly since I'm not used to talking for so long uninterrupted, and I'm dying in a heated room in the middle of summer, so please excuse the quality. Nonetheless, I think this is a review you're going to want to hear! Anyone who has an interest in Cannon Films should look into this new book. It is exactly what you've been waiting for.
JD's rating: Recommended
Up Next: Commando!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 20 - Society (1989)
Check it out on Bitchute Here! (The file is too big!)
For this week I decided to take a look at an oddball that flew under many people's radars. That would be Brian Yuzna's Society from 1989. This one is a Lovecraft-style story about a teenager who learns his world isn't quite what he thinks it is. To find out more, click on the episode above! I'm not one for avoiding spoilers, but I think it helps with a movie like this.
So this is our last episode of the GAIDEN miniseries. I hope you've had a good time during this turbulent period as we went through some obscure favorites and not-so-favorites we might have missed out on normal Cannon Cruisers. It's been a blast for me.
Thanks for the good times, and I'll see you with next week's surprise!
JD's rating: Recommended
Up Next: Cannon Film Guide!
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 19 - Split Second (1992)
Welcome to our weekly installment of Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN! This time we're taking a look at the overlooked 1992 classic Split Second starring the immortal Rutger Hauer. In this one, an unholy monster stalks a cyberpunk world where only two mismatched cops can find it and dispense justice. Needless to say, there is a lot of action.
Though it came out at a bad time it has since enjoyed a cult following that has only grown with the passage of time. In this episode we look to see if that praise is justified, or full of hot air. As always, listen to the episode above (or find us on Bitchute!) to see my full thoughts on the action/ horror/ cyberpunk romp.
JD's rating: Recommended
Up Next: Society!
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 18 - Convoy (1978)

Bet you didn't expect this one. Due to a suggestion decided to cover Sam Peckinpah's 1978 trucker movie classic, Convoy! I cover events surrounding the movie on top of the context as to why this one might be more important than you might think, especially in the context of a project like Cannon Cruisers.
Despite critical savaging, Convoy has gone on to be the director's most profitable movie and a popular guys night out flick. Despite its age, it remains a cult classic to this day. Check out the episode to understand why.
JD's rating: Recommended
Up Next: Split Second!
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 17 - TerrorVision (1986)
This week I wanted to cover a movie I hadn't seen before, one quite a bit different from the usual. Today we take a look at a satirical horror movie that is as silly as it is gory, though it doesn't have the reputation you would expect. TerrorVision is an incredibly maligned and hated movie, though I don't quite understand why that is.
Check out the above episode to see just why that is, and wonder with me as to just how it can be so hated. To be honest, I don't quite see it. The movie does exactly what it sets out to do, and for for that I find myself enjoying it.
JD's rating: Recommended
Up Next: Convoy!
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 16 - Deathstalker II: Duel of the Titans (1987)
We're back so soon with a sequel! After thinking it over for the better part of a week I decided to watch Deathstalker II, after all. Even though it was made five years later and featured an entirely different cast and crew I wanted to see if it held with the original.
It doesn't really, but that's not exactly a detriment. Instead it turns out to be a movie that shows that wide spread a genre like Sword & Sorcery actually has. What exactly does that mean? You'll have t tune in to find out!
JD's rating: Recommended
Up Next: TerrorVision!
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 15 - Deathstalker (1983)
Something a bit different for GAIDEN, I've decided to take time to watch the first Deathstalker movie produced by Roger Corman. We haven't covered much sword and sorcery here on Cannon Cruisers, so that is going to change with this episode! Back in the 1980s Corman did a few co-productions in Argentina, and this is the most popular one. What better time to take a gander at it then now?
Is it a cult favorite for a reason, or is this one over-hyped and undeserving of its praise? Check out the episode above to see.
JD's rating: Recommended
Next time: Deathstalker II!
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 14 - Critters 2: The Main Course (1988)
This time I take a look at a sequel to a movie we covered on normal Cannon Cruisers! Since Randy wasn't that enamored with the original I figured I would use the opportunity and watch the sequel on my own for GAIDEN. Was that a good idea? Tune in to this episode of GAIDEN to find out!
We all know the 1980s were filled with Gremlins knock-offs. Not a single one came close to the original when it came to small creature causing havoc horror (except its sequel!), though the original Critters was actually in-development first, and therefore offered a bit more than a cheap wannabe cashing in on its success.
JD's rating: Recommended
Up next: Deathstalker!
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 13 - PM Entertainment Outro

Saturday, June 27, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 12 - Steel Frontier (1995) & The Silencers (1996)
This time we take a gander at two genre movies! I picked these ones out of a hat, more or less, because I wanted to try something a bit different. PM Entertainment might have specialized in action movies, but they did a lot bit of fantasy stuff, as we saw earlier with T-Force. It turns out this was the right decision.
In this episode we look at a post-apocalyptic western in Steel Frontier, and an alien invasion conspiracy with The Silencers. Both have similarities with what we know from PM, as well as some differences. You might be surprised. As always, check the episode above to see my full impressions and hints as to what is coming next week!
Up Next: The conclusion to our PM journey!
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 11 - A Dangerous Place (1994) & Zero Tolerance (1994)
This week's theme is revenge! I take a look at two 1994 films by PM Entertainment, both with a very similar theme and yet very different approaches to the subject. The first is the 1994 high school drama/martial arts flick A Dangerous Place, and the second is a Robert Patrick action picture called Zero Tolerance. When our main characters have what is important to them stolen, how will they react? The answer might (or might not) surprise you!
The films this time were both big surprises for me, and I think you will come to believe the same after listening to the episode above.
This trip through the PM Entertainment library has been quite interesting so far. Who knows what exactly there is still out there to find?
Up Next: Steel Frontier & The Silencers!
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 10 - Ring of Fire 1 & 2
This week I take a look at two more movies from PM Entertainment. I decided on the first two movies in the Ring of Fire trilogy starring Don "The Dragon" Wilson, kickboxing flicks that are both a bit different from the norm.
Ring of Fire from 1991 is a West Side Story meets martial arts tale. It's a bit sluggish at times, but it's definitely one of PM's first proper successes. Meanwhile, 1993's Ring of Fire 2: Blood and Steel, is essentially The Warriors meets Double Dragon (the game, not the bad movie) with tons of fast-paced fights and a kicking early '90s soundtrack. The second one came just as PM was getting their groove on, and it benefits mightily for it.
Both are different from each other, so check out the episode to understand why!
Up Next: A Dangerous Place & Zero Tolerance!
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 9 - PM Entertainment Intro
Trying something different, I decided to take a gander at the library of B-movie video house, PM Entertainment. They put out a flurry of movies (near 100) in the time span between 1989 and 2000, just before the home video market crashed due to the explosion of cheap DVDs.
Essentially, they picked up where Cannon Films left off. Whereas the rest of the 1990s was slowly moving away from testosterone based action and excitement throughout the decade, PM Entertainment kept the fire burning.
Much like Cannon, PM was buit by an immigrant who had nothing in his head aside from making fun movies people could enjoy. There was no pomp, pretension, or audience hatred involved. They just existed to entertain, and they did so.
While PM died just as most things did during the '90s, their high point was considered between 1994-1997, long after traditional '80s action movies were a thing of the past. I'm going to look at a few of them in this special episode.
Up Next: Ring of Fire 1 & 2!
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 8 - The Perfect Weapon (1991)
Once again I went for a bit of a curve-ball for this Gaiden episode. Since we watch Cannon movies, and it's been awhile since we got to share any with you, I decided to cover the next best thing this week. This ain't a Cannon movie. However it captures much of the spirit of one in an age when action movies were beginning to die out. It also hits every trope hard and manages fits the era well. Cannon might not have made it--but they could have.
This week we're looking at an action movie starring the overlooked Jeff Speakman in 1991's The Perfect Weapon. This is a martial arts action flick that no one ever talks about, yet I am not quite sure why. Tune in to see just what you've missed and hear my ramble incoherently about the 1990s action movie scene. It's worth it, I promise.
JD's rating: Recommended
Up Next: PM Entertainment Intro!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 7 - Phantasm (1979)
Today we're taking a look at the fantastical surreal action horror of Phantasm. From 1979, this cult favorite led to a five film series that is highly beloved to this day. So how does it hold up? Tune in to find out.
Suffice to say, this is a hard movie to talk about. You won't see too much like it.
JD's rating: Recommended
Up Next: The Perfect Weapon!
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 6 - Suburban Commando (1991)
This was an out of left field pick, being that family comedies starring WWF wrestlers from the early '90s have yet to be featured on Cannon Cruisers, but I thought now would be the time to give it another watch since not seeing it since it first came out. t's also nice to not have to cover a horror movie for once.
Suffice to say, they don't really make them like this anymore. Strap on in and let us see how the Hulkster's biggest (or is it?) vehicle of the '90s holds up.
JD's rating: Recommended
Up next: Phantasm!
Monday, May 11, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 5 - Return of the Living Dead Trilogy
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 4 - I Come in Peace (1990)
Welcome back to yet another episode of this spin-off series of Cannon Cruisers. This time I take a look at a not-quite cult favorite in I Come in Peace (also known by the bland moniker of Dark Angel) starring Dolph Lundgren. This is an action, science fiction, horror, buddy cop, and crime thriller, movie all at once and, oddly enough, it somehow all works. The fact that this isn't actually a cult favorite is actually a bit baffling.
You probably won't see anything else like this, so give the episode a watch and find out what you might have missed in this oddball movie.
JD's rating: Recommended
Up next: Return of the Living Dead Trilogy!
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 3 - Night of the Comet (1984)
This time on the GAIDEN sub-series I take a look at a pseudo-zombie, post-apocalyptic horror comedy that is a bit weirder than even that description lets on. This isn't like a modern "horror comedy" with pratfalls, swearing, and hyper-violence. In fact, this might best be described as Miracle Mile if it starred two teenage valley girls who simply acted like normal teenage girls from that era. It's not very zany, but it does manage some funny jokes.
That aside, there is more to this movie than the comedy. I go into why in the episode above. Tune in to find out!
JD's rating: Recommended
Up Next: I Come in Peace!
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 2 - Creepozoids (1987)
I'm back again! I figured I'd give this quickie format another shot. This week I'm flying solo again. Randy is doing fine, in case you're wondering. As for me? Well, I watched Creepozoids. I'm much worse off than him.
Unlike last week where I shared an overlooked gem of a b-movie, this time I'm going to talk about the opposite. There is a very good reason no one talks about Creepozoids. Even at a paltry 72 minutes it wears out its welcome.
This sci-fi horror movie is a misfire, but it does do some things I find quite interesting and well worth talking about. Join me for this second GAIDEN outing!
JD's rating: Not Recommended
Up Next: Night of the Comet!
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Cannon Cruisers GAIDEN ~ Episode 1 - T-Force (1994)
Due to unforeseen circumstances, there is no proper Cannon Cruiser episode this week, and there might not be for some time now. We did begin recording the next season, but there is little point starting and then stopping a quarter of the way through that. Instead, Cannon Cruisers proper will be taking a little break.
But that doesn't mean no content. There will still be new episodes, they will just be a bit different.
For the foreseeable future, I will attempt to upload short episodes of myself talking about era appropriate movies, starting with 1994's T-Force starring Jack Scalia. This is a cyborg cop movie that I enjoyed quite a bit and would like to share with you today. Since it is just me, this episode is quite a bit different than the usual one, and there is no back and forth discussion, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway. If anything, I hope I convince you to seek out this forgotten gem of a b-movie.
JD's rating: Recommended
Up Next: Creepozoids!
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Non-Cannon ~ Episode 51 - Matinee (1993)
This is an odd movie to talk about. It isn't really a comedy, and it isn't really a drama, but neither is it a coming of age story. It isn't really a period piece either. However, it has elements of all four, making it quite a unique movie. You couldn't end a special like this on a better movie.
Matinee also represents the end of an era. It shows where cinema started, how much of a community project it once was, and how it could bring people together. The movie represents a different time that was long gone by the early '90s. At the same time, the early '90s when this was released was more or less the death of the low budget b-movie. Matinee is more or less the last of its kind on top of being a tribute to what allowed it to exist.
This make it a very hard movie to rate. What may be director Joe Dante's weirdest movie, it isn't quite what you would expect from him. That said, there isn't much like it, either.
Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 3/5
Up Next: GAIDEN Episode 1!
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Non-Cannon ~ Episode 50 - Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
I bet you didn't see this one coming! Today we continue with our mystery special where the theme is just impossible to guess. I'm certainly not going to spill the beans. We take a gander at the sequel to director Joe Dante's 80s hit horror comedy Gremlins, and we discuss whether it compares favorably to the original or not.
You might be surprised with what we come up with! As usual, check the episode above for our opinions. It's quite the movie.
Randy's Score: 4/5
JD's Score: 4/5
Up Next: Matinee!
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Non-Cannon ~ Episode 49 - The 'Burbs (1989)
We continue on with our special this week with a new episode. This time we cover director Joe Dante's 1989 comedy The 'Burbs. A movie that has grown quite the cult audience over the years, this is simultaneously a satire and an ode to the suburbs it gets its title from. As such, this movie has a bit of a weird edge to it.
The director was on a bit of a streak in the 1980s, and this merely continues it. As always, check the episode above to hear our full thoughts.
Randy's Score: 4/5
JD's Score: 5/5
Up Next: Gremlins 2: The Batch!