Sunday, February 23, 2025

Episode 45 ~ Ninja Terminator (1985)

It's finally here! After years of action movie cult favorites and blockbusters we finally get to Godfrey Ho's ninja movies, and his most beloved entry on to of it. Today, we talk Ninja Terminator. So after taking so long to get here, is the wait worth it?

Believe it or not, yes. It was. Find out exactly how well this infamous cult classic holds together despite the strange history behind it. Spliced footage, Garfield phones, killer toy robots, and exploding ninjas, all come together to form something quite unique.

And something still worth watching today.

Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 4/5

Spotify link here!

Up Next: Lake Michigan Monster!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Episode 44 ~ Mac & Me (1988)

What can we say about Mac & Me? Seriously, it's a bizarre movie in more ways than one. In fact, it's one we go over for quite a while trying to wrap our heads around it.

More than just a rip-off of another family friendly alien movie, this might be the craziest film we've covered in some time. Find out why that is in today's episode!

Randy's Score: 1/5
JD's Score: 2/5

Spotify link here!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Episode 43 ~ Tango & Cash (1989)

Finally we get to one of the most influential buddy movies of them all. That's right, it's 1989's Tango & Cash! However, it's not quite what you might think it. In fact, it's very unique.

That said, it's still a blast watching it after all these years and well worth digging into. Find out why in today's episode.

Randy's Score: 4/5
JD's Score: 4/5

Spotify link here!

Up Next: Mac & Me!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Episode 42 ~ The Great Land of Small (1987)

We're finally back!

Starting from this week, the first day of February, we're returning to our normal weekly schedule again. And we've decided to start it with another "Tale's For All" movie. This time it's The Great Land of Small! How does what is described as "the Canadian Neverending Story" hold up today? Lets just say that you might be surprised.

Or not. This is "Tales For All" after all.

Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 3/5

Spotify link here!

Up Next: Tango & Cash!