Sunday, August 18, 2019

Summer Special #11 - Miracle Mile (1988) [Non-Cannon ~ Episode 33]

This is a movie neither of us had heard of before we chose it for our series. This isn't a well known film and no one talks about it, but it being so up our alley we had to choose it. Miracle Mile is the sort of movie you figure should have been made at the time then become surprised that it actually was. It's not one that could have been made at any other time.

The story is one of the oncoming nuclear apocalypse as seen from the perspective of one couple in LA's infamous Miracle Mile where the entire movie takes place. As things spin out of control can they keep it together, or are they doomed to fall apart like the world around them?

We talk for quite a while about this one so be sure to check out our full impressions above. That said, we both recommend seeing it. They don't make them like this any more.

Randy's Score: 5/5
JD's Score: 3/5

Up Next: Tremors!


  1. I loved the concept, but I think it fell apart under the weight of too many coincidences at the end.
