Sunday, April 28, 2019

Episode 54 - Down Twisted (1987)

To easily explain what this movie is about I would need to grow about fifty IQ points. The story is such a mess with so many holes that it is a wonder this got made. Albert Pyun is a strange director in that much of what he made is simply disposable trash but he does have a few gems worth seeking out, some of which we have yet to cover. However, this is not one of them.

Ostensibly a thriller filled with betrayals and double-crosses, but none of said turncoat moments make sense if one were to think about them for more than five seconds. The film then builds to an ending that makes the story we came from even more pointless making doubly sure we wasted our time. There is nothing worth recommending here.

If you want a more in depth reaction you could always listen to the above episode. It is certainly more entertaining than the movie we watched.

Randy's Score: 1/5
JD's Score: 1/5

Up Next: Street Smart!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Non-Cannon ~ Episode 25 - Zone Troopers (1985)

This was a surprise. A science fiction WWII movie inspired by old black and white B-movies and pulp stories. For a film with next to no budget the characters, their group dynamic, the special effects, and the plotting is well done. In fact if there was a black and white edit of the film it would be hard to tell just when it was made.

Nonetheless this is definitely one of Empire's best pictures and up there with the likes of Re-Animator and a few others we have not yet covered. Seek it out, but first give a listen to the above episode. Zone Troopers is worth your time.

Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 4/5

Up Next: Down Twisted!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Episode 53 - The Barbarians (1987)

This is a rather weak fantasy film that was meant to catapult its stars into superstar status. That didn't quite happen but that doesn't mean this one is without merit. Cannon has done much, much worse. It just simply doesn't hold together as a movie.

That said it wasn't the worst thing we watched. To see what we liked you can see the episode above just as always.

Randy's Score: 2/5
JD's Score: 2/5

Up Next: Zone Troopers!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Episode 52 - Number One with a Bullet (1987)

In this buddy action cop movie that has a completely unrelated title to the plot we follow a mismatched pair that attempt to take down a drug cartel. I think. The movie is fairly forgettable despite having a decent budget and cast.

On a side note, Randy later admitted that he completely forgot this movie and that we even reviewed it. That should make this episode extra interesting to listen to.

Randy's Score: 2/5
JD's Score: 2/5

Up next: The Barbarians!