Sunday, June 30, 2024

Episode 12 ~ Slap Shot (1977)

As we continue our trek through the mines of sports movies we come to one of the originals. Not only is this our first Paul Newman movie, it's also one of his favorites he ever did. There is a reason for it as Slap Shot is a zany comedy that somehow manages to hold together despite its craziness. It also added quite a lot to sports movies that came into existence later on.

That said, it's not the most consistent movie despite its originality. Find out exactly how much that might hold it back in our new episode!

Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 3/5

Spotify link here!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Episode 11 ~ Bad News Bears (1976)

We're back with a brand new sports movie favorite. This week we enter 1976 and talk about the very influential kid baseball movie Bad News Bears. Though if you have yet to see it you might be surprised at just how much is here and how much of it is much more involved and of a higher quality than you might expect. Even if it has been riffed on much in the decades since its release, the film holds up surprisingly well.

Not only that but there was a surprising amount to discuss. Be sure to tune in today to understand just what we mean!

Randy's Score: 5/5
JD's Score: 5/5

Spotify link here!

Up Next: Slap Shot!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Episode 10 ~ Rollerball (1975)

It's time for another trip down the lane on our sports movie journey. Of course, what retrospective on sports films would be complete without the 1975 favorite Rollerball, a dystopian nightmare world with a game as brutal as the stakes.

Despite what you might have heard, Rollerball is not a mindless action-fest covered with blood and guts. In fact, it's a look at a world that might have been and the sort of sport that might have been used to hold it together, while also showing just how sports connects the populace in the first place. All while using a completely invented sport that actually works.

What you get is a movie unlike any other in the genre, and one well worth discussing today. Check out the full episode to hear our thoughts!

Randy's Score: 5/5
JD's Score: 5/5

Spotify link here!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Episode 9 ~ Hard Times (1975)

Finally we managed to go back far enough to cover the first Walter Hill directed film. Not only that, but this one contains Cannon Cruiser favorite Charles Bronson, as well as an all-star cast that includes the likes of James Coburn.

In this Great Depression story, we follow our characters as they try to make it through a dog eat dog world and learn more about what it actually means to survive. This one has more to it than you might initially think, and it is a shame it is not more well known today. That said, check out the episode to learn just why that might be.

Randy's Score: 5/5
JD's Score: 5/5

Spotify link here!

Up Next: Rollerball!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Episode 8 ~ The Longest Yard (1974)

Surprise! Bet you didn't think we'd be back so soon, but here we are!

The reason we're back is because it's June and we're heading into summer, so you know what that means? That's right, it's time for a Summer Special!

This time we're not being coy--we've decided to cover sports movies. Not just any sports movies, but ones that tend to get left out of modern discussions aside from the usual late '80s comedies and family films of the '90s. With that we've started with the 1970s, before the tropes ever set in.

And what better place to start than with the classic 1974 film, The Longest Yard! It helps, too, that we can finally cover a Burt Reynolds movie, and what a movie it is!

There's no sense going on about it here, but just know that this movie is a lot more than you might think it is, and boy is there a lot to it. Check out the episode to see just what we mean, and we'll see you when we continue our trek next week! Yes, we're going to be weekly again for awhile. It's almost like old times again.

Randy's Score: 5/5
JD's Score: 5/5

Spotify link here!

Up Next: Hard Times!