Sunday, February 26, 2023

Episode 141 - Ordeal By Innocence (1984)

In this unexpected adaption of an Agatha Christie novel, Cannon manages to present something a bit different than the usual. Ordeal By Innocence ends up being far more noir-ish than one might expect, with an execution that has to be seen to be believed. Cannon didn't really do much else like it, but then, neither did anyone else.

That said, it's still an Agatha Christie story, so expect some twists and turns and reveals as we barrel towards an ending hedging on the theme of the importance of innocence. It's not quite perfect, but it is perfectly unique. check out the episode to understand why.

Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 4/5

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Non-Cannon ~ Episode 109 - Road House (1989)

You knew this one was coming eventually.

What can one say about Road House that hasn't been said over a hundred times by now? But since it has regained the reputation it has deserved since the grimdark age of the 2000s, it is worth talking about even now. Probably Patrick Swayze's best known role outside of Dirty Dancing and Ghost, 1989's Road House is the movie that should have made him an action icon. It's cool, it's tough, and it's fun, an outright blast to watch with something interesting always going on.

Whatever negative idea you might have of Road House will definitely melts away when you actually see it. There really isn't anything else like it out there, and there probably never will be again. Road House is a cult favorite for a very good reason.

Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 5/5

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Episode 140 - A Man Called Sarge (1990)

Cannon Films tackled a lot of weird genres over their brief existence, but one of the lesser known tries involved parody. In fact, 1990's A Man Called Sarge is one of the few examples of an Airplane style parody done outside of the larger studio system. The main difference is that the humor is a lot more scattershot in quality from what you might expect from a Top Secret or Hot Shots Part Deux that were more well known from the era.

That said, it's not boring, and there's always something new to see. Overall, it's a fun time, though not anything all too out there. Check out the full episode to see how it works out!

Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 3/5

Up Next: Road House!

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Episode 139 - Dr. Heckyl & Mr. Hype (1980) [Revisited]

Keeping up with our habit of re-watching movies from early Cannon Cruisers episodes, we finally dove into the subject of our second episode from over five years ago! That's right, it's time for a look back on Dr. Heckyl & Mr. Hype from 1980!

Unfortunately, it has not stood the test of time. Even though we weren't fans of it the first time around, another viewing has not helped it to stand up better. In fact, it is even worse. Check out the episode to understand why.

All around a misfire, we simply can't recommend this under any circumstance. Oddly enough, we still ended up giving it the same ratings as the first go around. Weird how that works. Regardless, this one simply does not work.

Randy's Score: 1/5
JD's Score: 2/5