Sunday, March 23, 2025

Episode 49 ~ The Skateboard Kid (1993)

We're taking a break from our more recent serious fare this week to deliver an episode on one of the least talked about cult movies there is. It's time for The Skateboard Kid, the talking skateboard movie with more twists than you can shake a stick at.

But does it hold up? The scores might leave you scratching your head, at least, until you check out today's episode. The truth lies somewhere in the between on this one. And can you believe there's another one of these? Randy can't, and you'll hear all about it, believe you me!

Randy's Score: 1/5
JD's Score: 3/5

Spotify link here!

Up Next: ???

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Episode 48 ~ Cube (1997)

Today's movie is a strange one. It's a nearly flawless independent flick done on a miniscule with a lot of ambition and creativity. Despite its limitations Cube is a unique film that has gone nearly forgotten in the near two decades since its release.

So you might read this then wonder about the rating below. If it's nearly flawless, the why are the scores what they are. Well, the truth it there is only one major flaw with the movie and this one flaw damages the film in a way that was easily avoidable and ruins the experience. It's not really a plot twist, but more of a narrative decision that undercuts a lot of potential.

Find out why that is in today's episode!

Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 3/5

Spotify link here!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Episode 47 ~ Grizzly II: Revenge (2020)

Where to even begin with Grizzly II: Revenge? We initially sought this out as it was "technically" a lost Cannon Films flick, but that turned out to be partially the case. Cannon never really got to do anything with this movie at all.

This film wasted away, unfinished for decades, until the rights holder decided to cobble it together with some CG and quick edits to barely squeak out a finished project. And what a project it is. We can easily say there is nothing quite like this movie.

And that's not a good thing. Check out this episode to learn why that might be.

Randy's Score: 1/5
JD's Score: 1/5

Spotify link here!

Up Next: Cube!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Episode 46 ~ Lake Michigan Monster (2018)

Today we go a little bit outside of our ballpark and discuss a more recent movie (relatively recent) than our usual fare, based more on older films than what we typically cover on Cannon Cruisers. However, it's for a good reason.

This flick shows much potential for underground and indie film in how something with such a low budget still managed to look, sound, and feel, better than modern day studio movies. Find out how that might be in today's episode!

Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 3/5

Spotify link here!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Episode 45 ~ Ninja Terminator (1985)

It's finally here! After years of action movie cult favorites and blockbusters we finally get to Godfrey Ho's ninja movies, and his most beloved entry on to of it. Today, we talk Ninja Terminator. So after taking so long to get here, is the wait worth it?

Believe it or not, yes. It was. Find out exactly how well this infamous cult classic holds together despite the strange history behind it. Spliced footage, Garfield phones, killer toy robots, and exploding ninjas, all come together to form something quite unique.

And something still worth watching today.

Randy's Score: 3/5
JD's Score: 4/5

Spotify link here!

Up Next: Lake Michigan Monster!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Episode 44 ~ Mac & Me (1988)

What can we say about Mac & Me? Seriously, it's a bizarre movie in more ways than one. In fact, it's one we go over for quite a while trying to wrap our heads around it.

More than just a rip-off of another family friendly alien movie, this might be the craziest film we've covered in some time. Find out why that is in today's episode!

Randy's Score: 1/5
JD's Score: 2/5

Spotify link here!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Episode 43 ~ Tango & Cash (1989)

Finally we get to one of the most influential buddy movies of them all. That's right, it's 1989's Tango & Cash! However, it's not quite what you might think it. In fact, it's very unique.

That said, it's still a blast watching it after all these years and well worth digging into. Find out why in today's episode.

Randy's Score: 4/5
JD's Score: 4/5

Spotify link here!

Up Next: Mac & Me!